Monday, January 07, 2008

Holiday Project Update

Cause I know you've been on the edge of your seats, here's the rundown....

hanging the flat panel tv -- Chance of completion: 10%
Complete! Got some advice from my coworkers and a lot of help from my dad, but the tv is up, and so far, has stayed up

exercise--Chance of completion: 10%
complete, sort of
i actually went to the gym last week, and spent a half hour on the treadmill and lifting some weights....

clean out the basement closets--Chance of completion: 5%
not done - but i did clean out my own closet and a drawer that had about 15 pounds of crap in it....i should get some bonus points for this one, cause i actually fixed the drawer as well, breaking out the under-used tube of gorilla glue i bought last year

2 plumbing projects--Chance of completion: 25%
almost complete - bought the sink for the kitchen, and was actually ready to get this one checked off, but my contractor went to san antonio for vacation so wont be done til next week

Buy a 2nd Car -- Chance of completion: 10%
complete - leased a honda pilot last week - will really miss the 2nd hand smoke from hicksville taxis, not to mention the great philosophy and politics discussions with the drivers

Take Sam to the City to see my office--Chance of completion: 1%
not even close to complete - just too much work to get this one done - will have to aim to do it this year

all in all, i was pleasantly surprised with how much i got done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your obviously busy with potentially uncompleted tasks, but I figured I'd let you know about a couple of events being that you're a young dad who does reviews.

I'm working with New York Kids Club and we're starting up classes for the winter/spring session.

For infants, we primarily have motor physical skill building excercises related to sitting, crawling, and standing. We also feature, as they get a little older, music fun and exercises on a trampoline. It is a safe, structured, and warm environment.

I realize you're on the Island, and we're opening up a new facility in Brooklyn Heights in April.

If you'd like to set up a visit or a meeting with anyone, I'd be happy to help out. We've got locations and phone numbers right on the website - not a surprise.

Randy Moss - Dominated by Giants!