Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day - I'm a work in progress....

So today is blog action day, an idea i guess that i support, but to be honest, i am not 100% sure i know what to write....i am not an "environmentalist" by any an example, i recently got into an argument with someone from California who was trying to persuade me to only buy local produce....she obviously never tried to get a halfway decent strawberry in new york in november....i didn't win, or really try to win, that argument..

but i am a new parent, and i do tend to think every once in a while about the world my kids will live in - admittedly mostly with envy as to what technological advances will be made - but sometimes, about the enviornment ....While i am not comfortable in committing to any sort of zealot level antics, i will see what i can do to make sure i am leaving this planet in relatively similar, if not better shape, than if i hadn't been here at all...

so maybe for this "Blog Action Day" thing, i will just take a quick inventory of what I have done so far to make this world a better place

1. I have used twitter and facebook to keep in touch with people, which is a lot more convenient and environmentally friendly than sending letters through the mail, or using 2 tin cans and string
2. i allowed a family of raccoons to live in my attic for a portion of the year (you can email me though to find out how that story ended)
3. I have procrastinated decision (and am still procrastinating) buying a 2nd car, which has lead me to take a taxi to and from my house and the train station..often sharing the cab with other passengers - some of whom smell better than others...
4. I spent almost $700 in whole foods last month...that HAS to count for something
5. I looked up "Carbon Footprint" on wikipedia, so i can nod my head with a bit of certainty when I listen to Al Gore
6. I have not gone on my treadmill in like 2 years. i guess that saves on electricity, but not really sure if there'll be any Certified Emission Reduction (thanks wikipedia) as a result
7. I listened patiently to my mother in law when she told me that California is going to slide into the ocean (more problems for my strawberries in november conflict) after she saw it on the discovery channel
8. I've resisted the temptation to pursue a private pilot license, saving on tons of fuel that i no doubt would've burned through
9. When I played golf this summer at harbor links golf course, i complied with all the "environmentally protected" area signs...though i did make a handful of large contributions in terms of golf balls...not sure how that balances out in terms of CER
10. I always curse under my breath at smokers on the LIRR platform...more cause it makes me stink of cigarettes, but i HAVE to believe that if more people cursed at smokers on train platforms, some people would be less prone to pollute the air that way

So all in all, I am a work in progress, and while the idea of blog action day seems a bit contrived, a lot like Secretaries Day (no offense meant to anyone knocking em dead in that field, i used to be one, and a rather crappy one i might add), it did get me to reflect a bit on what I've done, and what more i can do to make the world an ok place for luke, madison and sam to live in.

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