Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Twitter Explained and Twitter Training
And for those who haven't seen this clip, tries to explain the rapid growth of twitter...
Talk about Desperate! (Housewives that is)
After shopping for my yom kippur break fast, walked out of Fairway in Plainview to my car to find (at least for me), a new type of advertising….ABC had replaced the traditional lines between parking spaces with a custom version to promote “Desperate Housewives” – written on each stripe “Parking for Desperate Housewives”….Seems to be targeted at “Soccer Moms” or as they should more appropriately be called on the Friday of Yom Kippur, “Sable Moms”, but anyway thought this was an interesting approach….(and yes, I have written a letter to my congressman stating that ive been discriminated against as I had to park like a mile away as allison was home with the kids and I wasn’t desperate or a housewife)
As for the effectiveness, Allison and I both passed on watching the season premiere…but to be honest, I think we both had fallen asleep by 9pm….
Monday, September 24, 2007
Explanation for why I didn't get into Film school?
An important call to action for fellow commuters - Act before its too late!

I was attacked by a yellow jack on the platform of the LIRR today…I was able to swat it away, and I feel very good about the skill I used to do so…but if you take a look at the snapshots of the scene right after the incident, you’ll see that it is really no surprise…I was sandwiched in between two "yellow shirters"…thankfully I wasn’t injured. I have since don’t a little bit of research, and found that these guys would’ve been in a load of trouble if something happened to me as they could be held responsible for any damage that was done, as well as expense incurred to bandage the wounds after they attracted the yellow jack over to our area of the platform….I'm calling immediately for hearings on this issue….my proposal will call for the altering of no “white after labor day” to “no white and/or yellow after labor day (and before Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah)".
I am just trying to make the world a safer, better place for us commuters….
My dry cleaning mistake, but come on!
My local dry cleaner dropped off my clothes last week, and I was shocked to find, protected nicely in environmentally unfriendly plastic, one of my "vintage" (old) DoubleClick t-shirts.
I know it was obviously my fault, cause I must've included the tshirt in the bag I dropped off with them, but don't you think that deb's cleaners (located in jericho,ny for anyone wondering) shouldve been able to figure out this was a mistake? I mean, maybe you can make the case that they thought it was one of those $120 plus ed hardy shirts, but the label says hanes beefy t!! Shouldn't that have been a red flag? So now, $5.25 later, I've got a chemically cleaned, hand pressed DoubleClick t-shirt. After that kind of investment, can't bring myself to wear it. It is not even one of the classic tees--geeks vs nerds/camp day, or the tried and true 99 gray doubleclick shirts. Maybe i'll frame it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ready for Break-Fast
Monday, September 17, 2007
The loss of a living room....

So I've lived in my house for about 7 months, and I have yet to buy furniture for my living room....when i watch tv, i actually sit on one of sam's toddler chairs, which was kind of cute at first, but kind of back breaking after 4 or 5 months.....As you can see though, Luke and Maddie own the room.....i took this while i tried to watch the giants game against green bay.
The quick inventory:
2 exer-saucers, 1 shopping cart, 4 bins for toys - 3 of which have been completely emptied out, 1 learning table, approx 25 small infant toys, spread out as far as possible, a piano (doubles as a ladder for sam), one set of bongos, 2 empty bowls, 15 books for reading to sam and teething for twins, 1 cement mixer, 1 car transporter, 1 backhoe loader, 1 school bus and one long tube like piece of fabric which can be used as a gardener's leaf blower, a golf club or when sam is very creative, an elephant trunk.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Nanny of the year?

Never used to understand how some people would tell you that they "love" their nanny...i have seen the light though....last night our nanny went out and took a walk, asking for directions on how to get to some local shops...she doesn't speak great english, so when she didn't come back for a few hours, we were a little nervous...thought she may have made a run for it, but she finally came back thankfully...
this morning, she presented allison and i with a gift bag, and within it was a gift bag of pine cones and a card for rosh hashanah...now to be honest, it was actually a happy bat mitzvah card as you can see here, but obviously it is the thought that counts.....
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Safe Home....
Monday, September 10, 2007
Fit Club Roll Out To Long Island
I know the seats are a little small, but it seems like each day it gets a little harder to fit in between my fellow passengers on the LIRR. Maybe the mta should distribute some healthy snacks on the train? Augment their messaging to passengers--i'm thinking something like "..a reminder, please keep your feet off the seats, and stay away from the yodels and taco bell today". Something. Anything would be welcome.
Friday, September 07, 2007
John Madden, Tiger Woods, Jerry Garcia?

Finally something that will lure me back to video games..
18 Grateful Dead songs included in 'Rock Band'
Cover versions of popular bands' songs are often performed by other musicians, a practiced used in games such as Guitar Hero to keep costs down.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Amazing - Google Earth Flight Simulator

if you haven't checked out the new version of google earth, which includes the new google sky, give it a shot...in addition to being able to explore the planets, there's a somewhat hidden flight simulator app (though not really sure if i'd call it hidden considering there are instructions on the web), which is amazing.
Once Google Earth is up, hit Ctrl+Alt+A and you should see the image here...(i dont think it works within google sky)
you can find instructions here...
ive included shots of my flying through grand canyon and over my hometown of rockaway beach...
safe travels..