My local dry cleaner dropped off my clothes last week, and I was shocked to find, protected nicely in environmentally unfriendly plastic, one of my "vintage" (old) DoubleClick t-shirts.
I know it was obviously my fault, cause I must've included the tshirt in the bag I dropped off with them, but don't you think that deb's cleaners (located in jericho,ny for anyone wondering) shouldve been able to figure out this was a mistake? I mean, maybe you can make the case that they thought it was one of those $120 plus ed hardy shirts, but the label says hanes beefy t!! Shouldn't that have been a red flag? So now, $5.25 later, I've got a chemically cleaned, hand pressed DoubleClick t-shirt. After that kind of investment, can't bring myself to wear it. It is not even one of the classic tees--geeks vs nerds/camp day, or the tried and true 99 gray doubleclick shirts. Maybe i'll frame it.
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